Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pahang guide on swiftlet industry soon

Thursday April 28, 2011
The Star

KUANTAN: Pahang will introduce its guidelines on the sustainable development of the swiftlet industry by the middle of the year.

State Local Government, Environment and Health Committee chairman Datuk Hoh Khai Mun said the guidelines were a combination of its rules launched in 2007 and those of the Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Ministry.

He said there was a need to make adjustments to the ministry’s guidelines due to the rapid growth of the industry in the state.

“We are getting input from industry experts and the Veterinary Services Department in drafting the guidelines,” he said on Tuesday.

Hoh said a meeting was held in February to sort out technical issues, such as enforcement work and legal action that could be taken by local authorities.

“We will call for a meeting next month to finalise the details and if things proceed as planned, the guidelines will be introduced by the middle of the year,” Hoh said.

He said although the state government realised the potential in the swiftlet industry, public health must remain top priority.

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