Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pahang guide on swiftlet industry soon

Thursday April 28, 2011
The Star

KUANTAN: Pahang will introduce its guidelines on the sustainable development of the swiftlet industry by the middle of the year.

State Local Government, Environment and Health Committee chairman Datuk Hoh Khai Mun said the guidelines were a combination of its rules launched in 2007 and those of the Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Ministry.

He said there was a need to make adjustments to the ministry’s guidelines due to the rapid growth of the industry in the state.

“We are getting input from industry experts and the Veterinary Services Department in drafting the guidelines,” he said on Tuesday.

Hoh said a meeting was held in February to sort out technical issues, such as enforcement work and legal action that could be taken by local authorities.

“We will call for a meeting next month to finalise the details and if things proceed as planned, the guidelines will be introduced by the middle of the year,” Hoh said.

He said although the state government realised the potential in the swiftlet industry, public health must remain top priority.

Perak guide on swiftlet industry soon

Thursday April 28, 2011
The Star

IPOH: Perak will implement its standardised guidelines for the swiftlet nest industry soon.

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said that at present, the state’s 15 local district councils had their own set of rules for the industry.

“While some councils follow the guidelines given by the Housing and Local Government Ministry such as breeders must form associations before they are given licences, others allow the breeders to register with the Veterinary Services Department,” he said after chairing the weekly state executive council meeting here.

Dr Zambry said the guidelines which were discussed during the meeting were being fine-tuned.

“Among the areas that need to be tightened are the sound pollution resulting from the swiftlets inside the buildings and the proposed locations to house the nests,” he said yesterday

Thursday, April 14, 2011

CM slammed over swiftlet ban

Thursday April 14, 2011
The Star

KUCHING: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has been criticised for not handling the swiftlet farming issue in Penang well.

Deputy Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Chua Tee Yong said Lim instead chose to push the blame to the Federal Govern-ment.

“What I need to stress is Guan Eng is a representative in the National Council for Local Government and he has the right to be heard and voice concerns to defend the people of Penang if he feels the decision made is incorrect.

“As such, I hope he does not continue to mislead the people or push the blame to the Federal Government,” he said here yesterday.

Chua also requested to see the minutes of the council's meeting on how the decision to ban swiftlet farming at heritage sites in Penang and Malacca was made.

He wanted to find out if Lim had agreed with the measures to be taken.

“I want to know if he con- curred with the measures taken by the council.

“This is because I never knew the Chief Minister of Penang to be an obedient person (leaving) the council to discuss and he just agreeing (to it),” he said.

Chua said what had been agreed in the council was a collective decision.

Based on this, Chua added that it was untrue for Lim to solely say it was a directive from the Federal Government.

In addition, Chua wanted to know what steps the Penang Government had taken to engage with the swiftlet operators.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CM tells swiftlet farmers to raise issue with DPM

Wednesday April 13, 2011
The Star

GEORGE TOWN: The National Council for Local Government is behind the ban on swiftlet farming in heritage areas and not the state government, said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

He accused critics of “having ulterior motives” and “politicising the matter” for the Sarawak election

“If they have the courage to protest sincerely and are not playing political games, they should protest to Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and not direct these (protests) to the state government,” he said.

Lim claimed that swiftlet farm- ing had become a hot issue as bird’s nest collection was popular in Sarawak.

“Bird house operations are big in Sarawak and we (Pakatan Rakyat) are getting attacked on this issue,” he said.

In early September last year, Muhyiddin had announced that swiftlet farming would be prohibited in the Penang and Malacca heritage enclaves, with a three- year grace period given to existing operators.

Meanwhile, Nibong Tebal MP Tan Tee Beng has renewed a challenge to the state government for an open debate over bird nests farming in the George Town heritage enclave.

Tan who quit PKR last year and is now a Kita member, said he issued a similar challenged to Local Government and Traffic Management committee chairman Chow Kon Yeow, state Agriculture, Rural Development and Flood Mitigation committee chairman Law Choo Kiang and state Domestic Trade, Consumer and Religious Affairs committee chairman Abdul Malik Abul Kassim two years ago but they had kept mum.

Last week, some 50 swiftlet farm operators held banners and shouted slogans at Komtar Walk here against the ongoing move to get them out of George Town.

When contacted, Chow and Abdul Malik declined to debate with Tan.

Abdul Malik urged Tan to “open his mouth” at the Dewan Rakyat.

Law could not be reached for comments.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Swiftlet farming can turn heritage zone into ‘ghost town’

Tuesday April 12, 2011
The Star

GEORGE TOWN: The Penang heritage zone would become a ‘ghost town’ if the bird nests farming operators are allowed to continue operating, said state Local Government and Traffic Management Committee chairman Chow Kon Yeow.

“Many residents have begun complaining about noise created in pre-war houses which were renovated to accommodate the swiftlets. Some may eventually move out from the area,” he said.

“The heritage site will not become liveable and if the residents move out, the status of World Heritage will be threatened,” he said after opening a forum on Local Government here.

Chow said heritage is not only about lifeless artefacts, monuments or antique pieces, but it also includes the living people who inherit the heritage and culture here.

“Swiftlet farmers should not expect the state (government) and the people to sacrifice, so that their narrow interests are protected,” he said.

The National Council for Local Government had decided on Sept 2 last year that new swiftlet nest farms would not be allowed at heritage sites in Penang and Malacca while existing ones would have to relocate within three years.

“We are not killing off their lucrative trade, but to allow them to continue the businesses in an appropriate area,” he said, adding that he would meet with some of the farmers today for discussion.

Association for Swiftlet Nests Industry pre-sident Carole Loh (pic) responded by asking Chow to check his facts first, as the Federal Government has previously declared that the operators are not allowed to play music recordings, as part of efforts to attract the birds.

“There is no noise. How can noise be an issue when it was banned in the first place.”

She also stressed that the bird farms were approved earlier than the listing of George Town as a Unesco heritage site.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Swiftlet nest ‘farmers’ let fly over action

Saturday April 9, 2011
The Star

GEORGE TOWN: Some 50 swiftlet farm operators held banners and shouted slogans at Komtar Walk here against the ongoing move to get them out of George Town.

One of the operators, Tan Siew Teng, in his 40s, maintained that they have not done anything wrong to warrant the crackdown.

He believed that the Unesco office could have been ‘ill-informed’ through certain poison-pen letters on the situation here.

He said the swiftlets fly into the heritage buildings on their own will, adding that this is only happening in South East Asian countries.

“By using the word ‘farming’, it gives the impression to the Westerners that we are conducting the trade on a large scale,” he said.

“But in fact, this is not farming. We merely attract the birds.”

“We just provide a place for them to roost and more importantly, we do not feed them,” he told reporters at the scene yesterday.

MPPP has divided swiftlet nest farms in the city into four categories and the enforcement unit has taken action against sites which have been illegally converted for the lucrative trade.

The National Council for Local Government had decided on Sept 2 last year that new swiftlet nest farms would not be allowed at heritage sites in Penang and Malacca while existing ones would have to clear out within three years.

State executive councillor Chow Kon Yeow had said the state would not wait until the grace period is over before taking action.

Another operator Khaw Chin Kok, 43, claimed that action had been taken against some operators even before their scheduled meeting with the state government on April 12.

Also present were Barisan Nasional coordinators Loh Poh Chye (Pengkalan Kota) and Loh Chye Teik (Komtar).

Loh said the swiftlets were already around when Penang obtained the Unesco status.

“I do not see why it is becoming an issue only now,” he said.

Chow, when contacted, stressed that the state has nothing personal against the operators.

“It is just that the inner city is not the right place to conduct this business,” he said.

Friday, April 8, 2011

MPSP no to swiftlet licence

Friday April 8, 2011
The Star

THERE are an estimated 2,000-odd illegal swiftlet nest farms in Seberang Prai, Penang.

Of the number, 1,155 operators have submitted applications for licences from the Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) but none has been approved so far, said MPSP councillor Steven Sim Chee Keong.

“The licence applications to operate swiftlet nest farms in Seberang Prai have been temporarily frozen.

“We are still waiting for the state government to come up with specific guidelines on swiftlet nest farming in Penang,” he said during an operation to remove speakers from three illegal swiftlet nest farms in a shophouse block on Jalan Tembikai in Bukit Mertajam yesterday.

Sim said of the 1,155 farms which applied for licences, 1,051 were located in shophouses, 67 on agricultural land and 37 in residential houses.

“They must submit building plans together with their licence applications. The licence approval will depend on endorsements from the Fire and Rescue Department and the council’s technical departments as well as the suitability of the farms’ locations,” he said.

Fellow councillor Oon Neow Aun said the council had so far issued licences to three swiftlet nest farms.

He said such farms were only allowed to be built on agricultural land but not near padi fields and irrigation canals as the Drainage and Irrigation Department feared that bird droppings might pollute the waterway.

On the enforcement yesterday, Oon said the council had issued several notices to the three swiftlet nest farm operators since June last year to lower the volume of their speakers following public complaints but this was ignored.

He said the council permitted operators to set their music volume at below 40db (decibels) but the sound levels recorded at the farms were above 66db.

Oon said the enforcement against the operators were initiated under Section 82 (5) of the Local Government Act 1976 for causing nuisance.

Eleven council enforcement officers, two council special squad members, six auxiliary policemen, three council Building Department officers and five council Health Department officers took part in the hour-long operation.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Show us the Unesco letter, say swiftlet farmers

Friday April 1, 2011
The Star

GEORGE TOWN: A group of swiftlet farm owners has demanded a Unesco letter allegedly warning George Town to buck up on its enforcement of bird's nest farming in the heritage enclave to be made public.

Pengkalan Kota Barisan Nasional coordinator Loke Poh Chye, who spoke on behalf of the group, said full disclosure of the letter would be in line with the state government's CAT (Competency, Accountability and Transparency) policy.

“The owners want to ascertain the exact reasons Unesco was troubled with bird's nest harvesting in the heritage zone.

“Without knowing what Unesco is concerned about, proper guidelines cannot be suggested to solve the problem between the owners and the state,” Loke said at a press conference that was attended by some 20 bird's nest farm owners.

On Feb 23, state exco Chow Kon Yeow said World Heritage Centre director Francesco Bandarin had sent a letter to Ali Abdul Ghani, Malaysia's permanent delegate to Unesco in Paris, outlining its concerns on the conversion of heritage buildings into swiftlet breeding premises.

It had been reported that the centre had been made aware of the matter following a series of reports it had received.

The National Council for Local Government had also announced on Sept 2 that new swiftlet nest farms would not be allowed in the George Town and Malacca heritage sites while existing ones would have to clear out in three years.